About PrettyPastelitos

Hola a todos, soy Robyn! I am a software engineer by day and a baker of (I am told) deliciously delectable treats in my spare time.  I am a full-time mother and wife, as well.

I started this blog to help other moms and bakers like me save time finding beautiful recipes that you can easily make to impress your family, friends, and guests. Here you will find advice on saving time in the kitchen, helpful tools and advice, and recipes I have created. All of the recipes here I have made in my own kitchen. Some of them (Okay, most of them!), I’ve even had to test a few different times before I could get them just right.

How many times have you thought to yourself: “Oh no! I forgot we’re having people over for dinner this weekend. I don’t have time to also bake a homemade dessert!”? Or “Uh oh! This XYZ Mom group is organizing another bake sale, so I better contribute something good this time!”? If your inner monologue sounds anything like that, I am here for you! This website is dedicated to making beautiful baking as easy and comprehensible for regular people like you and me. I hope you find the picture tutorials and videos on this site helpful in your attempts to be the baker that can do it all with minimal effort.

I know you’re just as busy and stressed out as I am! If you’re looking to find recipes that you can easily make with minimal effort (because who has the time?), you’ve come to the right place. I’ve spent years experimenting in my kitchen and learning all sorts of tips and tricks, which I would love to pass on to you. 

Picture of Robyn


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