pretty pastelitos hero

I’m Robyn, and I created this site to help you learn how to bake beautifully. I’m here to help ordinary people learn how to create beautiful things in their kitchens with minimal stress. 

It’s one thing to be able to bake delicious treats, but it’s a whole other ballgame presenting these treats in a visually-appealing way. 

If you see baked goods like this:

and think “I can’t make that!! I’m not a professional baker!!”

Neither am I!!  

I’m a regular, busy and lazy person who has spent years making ugly pastries that still tasted good. I promise. I have made many, many ugly cakes and cupcakes in my day. Cookies that all ran together on the cookie sheet. I’ve set off the smoke alarm countless times because I burned things. I didn’t even know how to make fancy things like scones or cake pops until I made this website!

But the good news is: If I can learn to make these things, so can you!






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